THE NEW WEST SEATTLE SKI SHUTTLE- Alki Kayak Tours is keeping local skiers busy with their new Ski Shuttle service to the major Cascade Mountain ski areas.
Alki Kayak Tours has expanded their normal summer business to serve active area skiers too.
"The mission of the West Seattle Ski Shuttle is to provide fewer cars and more fun, " said Greg Whittaker, owner. With anticipated rising snow levels during the upcoming decades due to CO2 emissions, ski areas are looking at a dismal forecast with global warming. "This is one small opportunity be on the cutting edge by supporting alternative access to resorts with a smaller carbon footprint," Greg said.
"We just completed the first week for the West Seattle Ski Shuttle, (snowboarders are welcome too!) and with the recent heavy snowfall, the 11 person shuttle is a comfortable and safe way to get to Crystal Mountain. Regular prices will be $35 to Crystal and $30 to the Summit at Snoqualmie. Frequent rider discounts can be applied with the purchase of 5 or more rides. The first week saw plenty of face shots and big smiles as we explored Crystal Mountain, Central Summit, and Alpental," Whittaker said.
Pickups are at the Fautleroy Ferry (7:00am) and Alki Crab and Fish and the Water Taxi Dock on Harbor Avenue (7:30). Riders along the Fauntleroy route can be picked up with enough notice. Other pickups are available in West Seattle for an additional $5.
As the remaining areas open, the schedule will be to ride Alpental each Tuesday, Crystal Mountain on Thursday and Friday, and Weekends back to Snoqualmie Summit. Discounted lift tickets and front row parking is available for WSSS riders. If interest is there, additional shuttles will be put into operations for the NW Intermountain Resorts.
More information is available at or by calling 206-953-0237.