Sunday, Feb. 1 Metro bus fares will increase by 25 cents for adults.
Prices for Access Pass and FlexPass will also increase. Youth and senior/disabled fares will not change.
Off-peak cash fares will increase from $1.50 to $1.75. Peak cash fares will increase from $1.75 to $2 for one zone and from $2.25 to $2.50 for two zones.
The regional Day Pass (good on Saturday, Sunday and holidays only) will increase from $3.50 to $4. Family fares (for one adult and up to four passengers 17 or younger on Sunday and holidays) will increase from $1.50 to $2. Seattle Streetcar South Lake Union Line adult fares will increase from $1.75 to $2.
Access (paratransit) cash fares will increase from 75 cents to $1. Pre-approval of eligibility is required for Access service.
Metro Vanpool fares will increase from $1.75 to $2 and from $2.25 to $2.50. Vanpool monthly passes will increase from $63 to $72 ($2 fare) and from $81 to $90 ($2.50 fare).
Metro ticketbooks will increase to $21 for 12 $1.75 tickets, $40 for 20 $2 tickets and $50 for 20 $2.50 tickets.
The cost increases are associated with the rising demand for Metro's services, which has been effecting the on-time performance of bus service, according to Metro.
By raising $11.7 million in additional revenue annually, this fare increase will enable Metro to maintain and improve the reliability of its system, according to Metro.
Check out details of the new fares at
Metro has also proposed several route changes. Many revisions begin Saturday, Feb. 7.
Changes in service occur most years, due to population growth and economic conditions in the region. No Ballard/Crown Hill routes are effected.
This Special Rider Alert summarizes service revisions beginning in early February. Please check your route's new green timetable for more details.
See the changes here