Developments going through review around Ballard
A Land Use Application has been submitted to change the use of this lot, 4743 Ballard Ave. N.W., from general manufacturing and warehouse to office, restaurant, and retail. The project includes two additions to the existing building, one 4,110 square foot third story with mezzanine and one 8,106 square foot three story addition.
Thu, 02/19/2009
1506 N.W. 62ND ST.
Home For Good project will have a second early design guidance meeting with the Northwest Design Review Board March 9, 6:30 p.m. in the Ballard High School library.
The project includes green building and residential units aimed at those earning between $40,000 to $50,000 a year.
The non-profit organization wants to build two structures on a split-zone development site.
The first structure is a four-story building with 22 residential units above approximately 700 square feet of ground level commercial space. The office space would be used for the group's first local public resource area, according to Melanie Gillespie with Home For Good. The second structure is a two-unit residential townhouse style building. Parking for 24 vehicles to be located below grade. Existing single family structures are to be demolished.
Project 3009654
A Land Use Application has been submitted to the Seattle Department of Planning and Development to allow a change of use (13,800 square feet) from general manufacturing and warehouse to office, restaurant, and retail.
The project includes two additions to the existing building, one 4,110 square foot third story with mezzanine and one 8,106 square foot three story addition.
Surface parking for 11 vehicles to be provided. Existing shed to be demolished. This project is subject to an environmental review.
Project 3009687