The Ballard Pool could be a little more crowed that usual in March because nearby and Evans Pool in Green Lake is closing for "preventative maintenance" from March 9 through 28 and reopen March 29.
The Green Lake Community Center at the same location will close March 16 through the 24.
The Seattle Parks Department is asking that customers of the Evans Pool use Ballard's, at 1471 NW 67th St., until it reopens. Other alternatives are the Helene Madison Pool at 13401 Meridian Ave. N., or Meadowbrook Pool, 10515 35th Ave. N.E.
Work at the Green Lake center will include refinishing the gym and meeting room floors and high ceiling duct cleaning.
Pool work will include a complete draining, cleaning, and refilling of the pool, fresh paint, installation of drain covers to comply with the Virginia Graeme Baker Act, renovation of the men's locker room floors, cleaning of the cut glass sculpture, and installation of new starting blocks.
The pool closure may be extended through the week of March 29-April 5 to allow for full compliance with the Virginia Graeme Baker Act. The law was enacted by Congress in December of 2007 to prevent injuries from pool drains. This element of the work involves the installation of new drain covers and some sumps at all pools nationwide.