101 Things to do in Ballard: First the music, second the beer
The music of local indie rock band Grand Hallway resound throughout the Tractor Tavern, 5213 Ballard Ave. N.W.
Mon, 03/30/2009
The Tractor Tavern has a reputation – bands, beer and the boots. The Ballard gem is hailed as one of Seattle’s favored music venues.
Although open every night as a bar, owner Dan Cowan says the primary purpose of the Tractor is music, and that beer is secondary.
“Music gets you out of your head," said Cowan. "At a bar you see the same people every day. We will survive because people need entertainment and music during times like these.”
Wise words from the man who’s been in the bar business for more than 27 years, 15 of which he’s owned the Tractor and resided in Ballard.
Story goes that the Tractor was originally a Scandinavian music hall. When Cowan first purchased the business it was Old Town Music Hall with music of the post-Nirvana era, primarily folk, world, bluegrass and Irish music.
Now the venue invites music of all genres, everything except for metal, even a little bit of hip hop and classical chamber music.
Cowan used to do all the music booking, but his growing business called for the aid of music booker Greg Garcia.
“He has a better sense of the younger scene,” said Cowan.
The most important aspect is to choose bands that are cohesive, both musically and audience-wise. The aim is to not get the same sound from all musical acts. People might come to watch one band and end up staying for the whole night for all musical acts.
Many famous bands and musicians have graced the stage of the Tractor, including Cake, Shelby Lynne, Ryan Adams, Neko Case, and even renowned classical violinist Hilary Hahn.
The Tractor is not just for bands and booze. Every other Monday at 8 p.m. the Tall Boys host a square dance night. The crowd, which Cowan calls “mostly young hipster folk”, brings much joy to the owner.
“I see people dancing, not the best square dancing, a cacophony of missed steps, but everyone’s just smiling," he said.
Tall Boys provide live music, the caller walks people through the steps, and for only five bucks everyone is having a grand old time.
Ever wondered about all those boots hanging from the ceiling? Cowan’s friend, a sculptor and artist decorated the place for Christmas one year. She hung the boots as a sort of garland, and it just stuck around.
The cowboy boots are fitting, of course, for a place called the Tractor. In the venue hangs the painting of a tractor done by one of the bartenders who’s been there 15 years. Cowan was sitting around, found himself staring at the painting and realized the alliteration rolled sweetly off the tongue, Tractor Tavern.
It’s an exciting place to be – the fine balance of an intimate setting but a capacity to hold over a few hundred people. Every show draws a different crowd – music lovers, fans, or people merely looking for a good show on any given night. For a musician playing on stage, the venue is a dream because the acoustics are said to be among the best.
Music fills the space and resounds throughout the night and throughout the years.
“There’s been music in that room,” Cowan said like a proud papa.
The Tractor
5213 Ballard Ave. N.W.
Hours: 9:30 p.m. – 2 a.m. daily