Janet Seckel, a resident of West Seattle, was part of a finance office team at the 70th Regional Readiness Command’s Finance Office that received the prestigious U.S. Army Reserve “Fiscal Year 2008 U.S. Army Reserve Command Financial Management Team Award.”
All members of the team – Office Director Bob Fowler, Deputy Wayne Severson and team members Seckel, Connie Martin, JoAnn Thomas, Christina Preston, Sandra Weegmann, and Richard Person – went to Atlanta for the presentation of the award, March 31, 2009. The award was presented to the group by the U.S. Army Reserve Command Financial Director Steven Farmer during the annual USARC Financial Managers Workshop in Atlanta, Ga.
Each member of the team under Fowler and Severson received a $250 incentive award, a U.S. Army Reserve Command certificate of appreciation and a U.S. Army Reserve Command medallion paperweight for their part in supporting the mission that led to the winning of this award.
The team won the award for their perseverance, analytical expertise, and customer service skills, which resulted in effectively maintaining fund control. This was accomplished while taking on additional budget missions with half the authorized staff.
According to the award, the team worked together to plan, organize and schedule work to accomplish their mission, resulting in management and execution of $30 million in annual funding. It also resulted in the reduction of government purchase card delinquencies, and increased financial management assistance and support to the mobilization of soldiers.
“It was a highly distinguishing moment for the entire G-8 team to be called up in front of some 500 peers from around the country and be recognized as one of USARC's finest financial management teams during the past fiscal year,” said Severson. “This past year was one of the most challenging for our staff and each member of our team managed to remain upbeat and professional as we worked towards the disestablishment of the 70th Regional Readiness Command (which will disestablish as a Base Realignment and Closure action June 6, 2009) while at the same time continuing to support the Overseas Contingency Operation (previously GWOT) and the establishment of the 364th Expeditionary Support Command.”