Our Redeemer Lutheran Church will hold a vote May 7 on whether or not to allow a SHARE shelter to move in to the vacant Calvary Lutheran Church at 7002 23rd Ave. N.W.
Our Redeemer's Lutheran Church in Ballard will hold a congregation-only vote May 7 to decide whether or not they will allow a SHARE shelter at the vacant Calvary Lutheran Church building.
When Our Redeemer's plan to move SHARE's 20-man Calvary Lutheran Shelter from its home in West Seattle to Ballard was announced, many neighbors expressed concern.
In response to neighborhood concerns, Our Redeemer asked SHARE to conduct warrant and sex offender checks on shelter residents. SHARE refused.
Despite the refusal, both SHARE and Our Redeemer expressed interest in continuing talks about a possible Ballard shelter.
Our Redeemer spokesperson Rebecca Butler said Our Redeemer will release a statement on the shelter after the May 7 vote is held.
The shelter would house up to 20 homeless men between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. and would be located in Ballard for up to one year.