This proposed design for the California Place Park was presented during a community meeting on April 16.
As a thank you to volunteers who have dedicated their time to creating a "playscape" at California Place Park, project organizers will host a celebration on June 20.
Community members will gather at California Place Park, on California Avenue Southwest and Southwest Hill Street for entertainment by kids musician and poet, Eric Ode. Refreshments will also be served.
A final design for the California Place Park is being completed by Karen Kiest since the project's last community design meeting.
The park includes a small triangle of land on California Avenue Southwest and Southwest Hill Street, just outside the Admiral Church.
Friends and Neighbors of North Admiral (FANNA), a group of local park supporters, applied for a city Small and Simple Matching Funds grant of $15,000, which they received in November 2008 and have used to fund the park's design.
Some community members have objected to any change on the property. Jan Bailey, a resident in the park neighborhood, has lead a "No Change to the Park" campaign and collected nearly 700 signatures on a petition.
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