Participants expressed themselves as thousands attended the Fremont Solstice Parade. CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE PHOTOS. All photos by Michael Harthorne unless otherwise noted.
Thousands of onlookers, five to seven layers thick in places, witnessed the 21st Annual Fremont Solstice Parade Saturday, June 21.
Some in the parade were tucked inside ornate costumes, while others let it all hang out.
The parade went from 11:30 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. and crowds mingled between vending booths until 3:00 p.m.. The city expected around 17,000 to attend the event.
It started at North 39th and Leary Way heading east on 39th to Fremont Place North, south on Fremont Avenue North, east on North 34th, south on Stone Way North, east on North Northlake Way and Place ending at Gasworks Park.
According to ther Fremont Arts Council, which puts on the parade through donations each year, "nearly anything goes" at the Solstic Parade and there are just three rules:
- No printed words or logos
- No motor vehicles (except wheelchairs)
-No animals (except aid animals)
Parade organizers said it costs about $30,000 annually to produce the eclectic parade.