At Large in Ballard: (Un)cork it
Fri, 07/03/2009
Kitty corner from Loyal Heights Playfield a corner lot nestled in shrubs and plum trees appears like an oasis across from turf that no longer needs to be watered.
What are commonly called parking strips are definitely planting strips at this corner - the residence mostly hidden behind a tall fence. Small typed notes are mounted at eye level along the fence. The notes read, “Wood Corks Wanted.”
The directions are quite clear, throw wood corks underneath the back gate. After I first noticed the appeal I dutifully began collecting corks from wine bottles.
This week I bagged the corks and tossed them over the gate (contrary to directions) along with a note of introduction, which could be paraphrased: I’m nosy. What are you doing with those corks?
As the owner put it the following day, “I got your gift and your note is taped by the computer.”
Simply put, Vince Healy is paving his garden paths with wooden corks, and, “No way could I do it myself.”
He previously used shredded cedar as a paving material but that became sawdust after five or six years. Healy is in this for the long haul; he needed a more lasting solution.
Then he heard about using wood corks. He estimates that he has only met 5 percent of his cork needs, having gleaned 1,500 to 2,000 corks out of an estimated 22,000 needed for his paths. He could calculate the average number of corks needed per square foot then plug that into a calculation of his 5 foot by 40 foot path...“But if I started to do the math it would be too overwhelming.”
So, several months ago, he put out the signs. Before the change that allows glass to co-mingle with the all recyclables he noticed, “A lot of wine drinkers in the neighborhood.” So he decided to communicate his need to the universe and see what would happen.
Whole bags appear like mine, other times people stop by on the way to work to push five or so corks underneath before continuing on their way.
Vince Healy also suspends notes from trees on his planting strip to announce: “The plums are ripe. Help yourself.”
Sometimes people knock on his door to ask if it’s picking time yet. Once the sharing even gave back in the dark of winter when Vince happened to have a sore throat. He returned home to a thank you gift of canned plums on his doorstep, which went down soothingly with yogurt.
Healy has owned the corner property since 1987. The property had been through foreclosure; both house and garden had been neglected. He said he grew up in Las Vegas, “behind a lawnmower,” and decided he would be willing to weed in a future garden, but never again mow.
He was an early pioneer in parking strip gardening and his efforts were featured in Pacific Magazine some 20 years ago. His garden inside the gate is much more private, but geared to be “generally pretty” all year round.
His attitude toward plants is, “If you need more care, you need to be in another yard.” He also propagates plants and then puts them out to share, probably with another sign.
The inner sanctum garden is very lush, but Healy is right, the corks to date have barely made a dent in his paving needs. There are a few square feet of cork paths by each gate but the bulk of the garden is at yet uncorked.
Healy himself has the occasional glass of wine but, “No one person can do this. It would actually be toxic.” So he welcomes the sundry corks beneath the gate.
I start to think of ideas for him. I picture neighborhood cork drives, with children hauling corks in little red wagons. I suggest he contact restaurants, wine shops, post more notices, but Healy is a more patient propagator. He doesn’t want people to feel pressured, word of mouth is fine. Which makes perfect sense if one thinks about fine wines; they are to be sipped and savored, like Healy’s garden. Savor the wine, but Vince Healy really appreciates your corks.
Cork contributions (wood not plastic) can be made at 2209 N.W. 75th St., kitty corner to the southwest end of Loyal Heights Playfield.