Jerry Garner, 9, posed for several seconds under a cluster of clocks turning 12:34 p.m. and 56 seconds on 7/8/09 at his family's Ballard Time Shop. He must wait until he is 109 years-old to see this again.
It occurred twice on Wednesday, July 8, and will not happen again for another 100 years.
Just after midnight, and just after noon today, the clock ticked 12:34 and 56 seconds on July 8, 2009, or 12:34 56, 7/8/09.
This numerical oddity was the buzz on Facebook comments and self-ascribed science-based "geek" blogs nationwide.
Jerry Garner, 9, witnessed the moment on a large cluster of clocks at The Ballard Time Shop, 5414 20th Ave. N.W., just south of Market Street. Some were hanging just above Socks and Pasha, the family's shop cats which seemed oblivious to the time as they napped.
Garner's grandparents, Brian and Donna Boyett, operate the repair shop, which relocated from across the street about two years ago. Brian's grandfather opened the shop in 1925.
Garner's mother Traci, helps out, too.
"This economy doesn't seem to stop people from coming with their old clocks to repair," said Traci. "They want to preserve what they have."
Jerry is not sure if he will follow in his great-great grandfather's footsteps. For now, he said, his main interest is playing football.