A committee has formed to beautify and name the park surrounding the Fremont Troll. This Wednesday they will be meeting at 7 p.m. to discuss the communities options. In this scene, actors from Balagan Theatre have used the area to rehearse "Taming of the Shrew."
With no actual name to call it’s own, there have been many attempts from both east and west Fremont communities to rename and beautify the park where the Fremont Troll sits under the Aurora Bridge.
But Fremont resident Kimberly Scrivner has spearheaded a committee of neighbors from both sides of Fremont to finally name and clean up the park.
“When I started this project about a year ago I mostly envisioned something on the west side because thats the side the sun hits and it’s a more open area that can be converted to a community space,” Scrivner said. “But there is quite a lot of land there.”
Scrivner had been referring to the park as Imagination Park because she said before anyone is able to call the area Troll Park they first must get permission, since the Troll itself has a copyright regarding the use of the name.
In response to the copyright, Scrivner started a survey to get an opinion from the community as to what they would like the park to be named.
“There are some creative ideas and Troll Park so far is the winner, but we’ll see if we can get it approved,” she said.
Teaming up with neighbors and the Fremont Chamber of Commerce, Scrivner and the committee have been knocking on doors in the perimeter of the site to introduce themselves and hand out flyers on the plans to improve the park area.
This Wednesday, July 15, at 7 p.m. they will be gathering at the troll to collect thoughts from the community.
“Poster boards will be up, one for the name and another of the site drawn out,” Scrivner said. “We’ll have people draw on the boards to see what they want in the space and we’ll take that information, along with the survey information, and work with volunteer landscape designers.”
Once they get an idea of what the community would like, Scrivner said they will have a Clean and Green event at the troll and the adjacent vacant lots on August 22 at 9 a.m.
The Clean and Green event will be hosted by the Mayor’s Office to help clean up and plant new trees in the area.
“I started talking about this a year ago because I walk by there everyday, I’ m also a planner and I like parks and open space,” Scrivner said. “I feel like I have a little bit of a know-how to get it done.”
Scrivner said they have plans to submit an application for a Neighborhood Matching Fund by the end of summer. If awarded the grant would go toward stage one of the group's vision, which will be improving the front areas that are seen on both sides of the Troll on 36th street.