Sack the bag tax
Mon, 08/03/2009
Dear Editor,
Why does Clowncilmember Conlin obsess over taxing us 20 cents for every tenth-of-an-ounce plastic bag when he has always backed the destruction of our precious viaduct that would result in 44 million pounds of rubble?
A four-lane tunnel to replace our eight-lane viaduct will cost the taxpayer $5 billion. And most of us haven’t dared dream how to pay the $300 million that Nickels, Conlin and Gregoire think they will extract from Port of Seattle property taxpayers.
Likewise, we haven’t even begun to consider the $400 million in tolls for tunnel passage.
I’ve got an idea! Why don’t the toll takers accept plastic bags!
Yes, we know the plastics industry has purchased advertising to encourage a “No” vote on Referendum 1. But even they miss the mark in playing up the same class warfare (i.e. food banks vs. Walmarts) that the left has played up in promising $1 million of fabric bags to the stupid proletariats who just can’t seem to survive without Big Brother.
Here’s the deal:
We use them to contain waste inside wastebaskets. (Seven per week in my household.)
We use them to carry garden fruits, vegatables and baked goods to neighbors.
We use them to carry potluck.
We use them to carry childrens’ Alki-Beach-sandy sandals and swimsuits.
And, what about that trendy, new handbag dog lovers sashshay with these days!
We even reuse bags at the grocery stores. For years those thoughtful businesses have incentivized us with a 5 cent credit.
So, get off our backs and out of our wallets!
Let’s REJECT the Bag Tax Ordinance on our ballots.
Craig Keller
West Seattle