This Saturday, Aug. 22 the West Seattle Junction retailers will hold their first “Big Bonanza” end of summer sale.
The one day, "Wild West" themed event includes summer and fall merchandise, from designer shoes and accessories to books and music, discounts, western-themed food specials and a noontime showdown, according to organizers.
"We were looking for something fun to do in the month of August and we came up with a Wild West themed sale," said Susan Melrose, director of the West Seattle Junction Association. "August is a great month for a sale since merchants can offer summer merchandise for close out prices. Also, merchants are offering up to 15 percent off new fall arrivals."
Melrose said having Junction-wide sales helps remind shoppers that their shopping needs can be met in their own neighborhood.
She pointed to one project,, as an example of the mind-set Junction merchants are working toward. The 3/50 Project asks consumers to consider what three independently-owned would they miss if they disappeared, and then, encourages residents to stop in, say hello and purchase something.
3/50 also maintains that if just half of the employed population spent $50 per month at locally locally owned businesses it would generate more than $42.6 billion in revenue, according to statistics from the U.S. Department of Labor.
Information on specific retailers participating in the summer sale is available at A red and white checked tablecloth indicates a retailer is offering specials that day.
The West Seattle Junction Association will also sponsor a $100 junction gift card giveaway and hand out festive bandanas and sheriffs stickers at their tent near the all-walk at the corner of California Avenue Southwest and Southwest Alaska Street.
The water fight showdown begins at high-noon and those interested in participating can pick up their water gun or squirter before noon at the tent.
The event starts at 9 a.m. and goes until 5 p.m.