"Dark of the Moon" plays at ArtsWest Aug. 20 through 23. Yusef Mahmoud and Tyler Webster in "Dark of the Moon."
ArtsWest’s Summer Theater Conservatory presents "Dark of the Moon" for five performances only, starting today, Aug. 20.
"Dark of the Moon," performed by students ages 12 to 16, is a classic tragedy based on the folk song “Barbara Allen” and runs Aug. 20 through 23.
"Dark of the Moon" is a tragic play in the vein of "Romeo and Juliet" and "Twilight" set in the Appalachian Mountains during the 1920s.
The play centers around the character of John, a witch boy, who seeks to become human after falling in love with a human girl, the beautiful copper-haired Barbara Allen. John tells a Conjur Woman he will pay any amount and agree to any terms just so long as he can be with his mortal love.
She agrees, and he marries Barbara Allen; if Barbara is faithful to him for a year, then John will remain a human. Meanwhile, the rest of Barbara's clan doesn't much approve of John, or Barbara's strange newborn baby.
2009 is the eighth year of ArtsWest’s Summer Theater Education Programs. The nationally recognized ArtsWest Theater Conservatory is an intensive seven-week program where students learn theater skills as well as research history, politics, and art history based on National and Washington State standards.
Daily classes in acting, text, movement, and script analysis taught by professional teaching artists and rehearsals of a classic play lead by an experienced artistic team, instill confidence, poise and communication skills for everyday life.
"Dark of the Moon" is made possible in part by Nucor Steel Seattle and The West Seattle Garden Tour.
Tickets: $12 (under 25? $10)
Thursday through Saturday, 7:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday, 3 p.m.
ArtsWest is located at 4711 California Ave. S.W., www.artswest.org.