Seattle Public Schools’ Nutrition Services has made available the 2009-2010 Applications for Free and Reduced price Meals and urges families to complete and submit the application.
The annual application was mailed to all student households in early August. If families did not get an application in the mail, they can obtain one on-line at Nutrition Services Web site:
Families are required to complete and submit a new application each year to qualify.
Parents and guardians are encouraged to complete and submit the application early to ensure that eligible children will have breakfast and lunch either free or a reduced price rate, dependent upon eligibility, throughout the school year.
Eligible students who qualify for the free and reduced price meals may also be able to get discounts and/or waivers for fees on pre-college exams and applications, fieldtrips costs, all day kindergarten fees, athletic fees, event fees, running start, and other such fees through their schools. Parents and guardians should check with their student’s school for specific discounts available.
If parents and guardians are completing an application for the first time with Seattle Public Schools, the full price of their child’s meals must be paid until the application is approved. Prices for meals this year are: elementary breakfast is $1.25 and lunch is $2.25; middle or high school breakfast is $1.50 and lunch is $2.40.
If a student was eligible last year for free or reduced-price meals, their eligibility will continue for 30 days and the student will not be charged for meals. However, a new application must be completed during this time period.
For questions about the school meal programs in general, please contact Seattle Public Schools Nutrition Services at (206) 252-0675 or email