Large venue picked for airport noise meeting in Burien
An Aug. 19 community meeting on third runway noise called by Highline lawmakers was attended by more people than the Des Moines council chambers could accommodate, so the leaders have called another meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 29 from 7 to 9 p.m.
Mon, 09/21/2009
An Aug. 19 community meeting on third runway noise called by Highline lawmakers was attended by more people than the Des Moines council chambers could accommodate.
So the leaders have called another meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 29 from 7 to 9 p.m.
This time, it will be held in the vast Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center auditorium, located at 19010 First Ave. S. in Burien.
The noise programs manager at Sea-Tac International Airport will answer questions and present information.
State Sen. Karen Keiser, Rep. Dave Upthegrove, Rep. Tina Orwall, Des Moines City Councilwoman Susan White and King County Councilmember Julia Patterson will also be on hand to discuss airport flight operations and noise mitigation programs.
"While the state legislature and county and city governments have no direct authority over Sea-Tac Airport flight operations (where and when planes fly), we have heard from many residents with questions and concerns about increased noise since the third runway has gone into use," Upthegrove said. "This meeting will be an opportunity to hear directly from the residents."
Upthegrove noted that some of the questions to be addressed include:
Who decides who gets money for noise insulation?
Who is responsible for determining runway usage and flight patterns?
How does current use of the third runway compare with previous projections?
How has airplane noise changed in the last decade?
How can community members monitor and track runway usage and flight operations?
"Noise from airport operations significantly impacts our quality of life," Upthegrove added. "The more informed we are about how flight decisions are made and how noise mitigation funding decisions are made, then the more effective we all can be advocating for the interests of our community."