Ingela Wanerstrand and Paula Jenson show their faces of community service this past weekend at the Sustainable Ballard Festival.
Ingela Wanerstrand and Paula Jenson are two happy volunteer faces that worked at the Sustainable Ballard festival last weekend.
Jenny Heins, president, noted that more than 140 (!) folks donated time and effort toward the event.
It really warms my heart that so many people are willing to give up their valuable free time, materials and resources to inspire, educate and entertain the rest of us. All of that encouragement to eat locally, undrive, and do the right thing makes a difference.
Thank, Sustainable Ballard, for making me want to be a better person.
Rhonda lives in Ballard and is the Urban Crop Circle Project Leader for Sustainable Ballard. Questions, Comments, Ideas? You can reach her at