We are the Missing Link
Fri, 10/23/2009
Dear Burke-Gilman TRAIL SUPPORTERS in Ballard and Beyond,
Join us for a quick "flash" action to declare our collective support for completion of the Burke-Gilman Trail Missing Link - from Fred Meyer to the Ballard Locks. Let's demonstrate that the trail is for A L L of us, and that WE ARE THE MISSING LINK! We would be honored to have you stand with us.
In 1997, the Ballard Neighborhood Plan identified completion of the trail as its No. 2 priority. In 2003, the Seattle City Council adopted a preferred route along the rail right-of-way, and directed the Seattle Department of Transportation to design and seek funding. In spring 2009, the transportation department prepared to put the project out to bid - but several business groups filed a lawsuit opposing trail construction. It's time to move on and get the trail built.
Who/What: A gathering of ALL TRAIL SUPPORTERS, be they walkers, skaters, strollers, bicyclers, moms, dads, kids, grannies, for a silent show of support honoring the trail and the decades of hard work it took to get us to this point.
When: Tuesday, Oct. 27, 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Where: Shilshole Avenue Northwest, opposite 17th Avenue Northwest, just west of the Ballard Bridge - look for the people with the blinking lights!
How: Walk, bike, run, skate, glide
What Else?: B.Y.O."Blinky" red light if you've got one, and bring your bikes, strollers, walkers, wheelchairs, dogs and skateboards.
We'll have cool orange "WE ARE THE MISSING LINK" T-shirts for the first 100 participants (donations accepted).
Groundswell NW