Seattle’s elementary and K-8 schools to close for three days for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Mon, 11/09/2009
Seattle Public Schools’ elementary and K-8 schools will be closed from Monday, November 23 through Wednesday, November 25 for Parent-Teacher Conferences. These important conferences provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to share information, solve problems and establish relationships that directly contribute to student success. While the majority of parent-teacher conferences occur in the fall, parents are also welcome to schedule meetings with teachers at any time during the school year.
This is the first year all elementary and K-8 schools will be closed district-wide for parent-teacher conferences. The new schedule will less disruptive to student learning while also providing greater consistency and predictability for families. All SPS schools will also be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 26 and Friday, November 27.
Seattle Public Schools is dedicated to providing every student an excellent education in every school. Parent/guardian engagement is critical in every child’s education, providing important family support toward achieving academic success. Below is a list of useful tips for families to help make each parent-teacher conference a success.
Before the Conference
· Discuss with your child thoughts and potential concerns about school.
· Make a list of academic questions you want to ask the teacher.
· Call the school and ask for assistance if there is a need for special accommodations such as transportation, childcare, a different conference schedule, etc.
· If a parent does not feel comfortable speaking English, have someone call the school and request an interpreter for the parent-teacher conference.
At the Conference
· Tell the teacher about your child’s questions and/or concerns about school.
· Discuss your list of academic questions with the teacher.
· Talk with the teacher about the best way and best time to communicate with him/her throughout the school year.
After the Conference
· Discuss with your child what the teacher told you. Emphasize the positive comments and talk about areas where improvement is needed.
· Stay informed and read all materials from school.
· Contact your child’s teacher if you have any additional questions.
There are numerous opportunities for parents to be active participants at their child’s school. Volunteering, joining the PTSA, attending school meetings and events, chaperoning field trips and dances are just a few of the ways to be involved. For more information, parents should contact their child’s school. Information on parent/teacher conferences and additional helpful tips can be found at