High Point residents and West Seattle Elementary students Ayan Abdi, 9, and her sister Amina Abdi, 5, attended the High Point Neighborhood Center opening Saturday, Nov. 14. The Somali-born sisters said they love High Point and plan to have fun both inside and outside the Center and its grounds, at 6400 Sylvan Way SW.
Hundreds from High Point and beyond attended the celebration Saturday, Nov. 14. Mark Okazaki, the executive director of Neighborhood House, spoke. Also, Rep. Jim McDermott said some words. Five hundred bags were given away and an estimated 200 more folks entered the environmentally friendly facility.
"I think it's wonderful for the community," said Gary Lichtenstein, Vice President, Sustainable West Seattle of the Center. "It is well thought-out. It's a great example, but it's sort of like priming the pump. These ideas are key to all of us, bioswales, rain catchment, solar, wind, and all these things. I'd like to see these ideas spread out through Seattle."
Steve Daschle of Southwest Youth and Family Service was wearing a wide grin as he checked out the Center.
"This is the most amazing experience," said Ray Li, director of strategic initiatives for the High Point Neighborhood House. "We've had people all over the county attend the grand opening. Great music, great people, great conversations. How warm the building feels, not only because of its green features but also the warm feeling of all the natural materials seems to helps people feel more at ease and at home here."