Burien Planning Commission sets annexation zoning hearing
Mon, 11/16/2009
The Burien Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on proposed zoning for the North Highline annexation area on Tuesday, Nov. 24th, at 7 p.m.
The hearing will be held at Burien City Hall, 400 S.W. 152nd Street, Suite 300.
The public is welcome and encouraged to attend and/or submit written comments. The commission then will make a recommendation to the Burien City Council, which must adopt zoning for the annexation area prior to annexation in March 2010.
The commission is reviewing a proposal from Burien's Department of Community Development to convert the existing King County zoning designations to City of Burien designations.
A more formal review of these designations will occur as part of the city's scheduled planning process in 2010 and 2011.
Information on the proposed conversion, and zoning maps showing current county zoning and proposed city zoning are available online at burienwa.gov/annexation or by contacting Chip Davis, planner, at 206-248-5501 or by e-mail at chipd@burienwa.gov.