Proud we supported Ref. 71
Mon, 11/16/2009
To the editor:
We are parents of children attending Holy Rosary School, and are very proud that with the passage of Referendum 71, the state of Washington will offer full voter-approved rights to all domestic partners. A letter that appeared in The Herald on October 22, urging voters to oppose Referendum 71, was signed by the pastor of Holy Rosary Church. We are writing to clarify the fact that his opinions do not reflect those of the entire Holy Rosary community. We and so many others will continue to offer our political and personal support to all domestic partners and families that grace our lives and communities and, we hope, set an example for our children to do the same.
Lyanda Lynn Haupt
Tom Furtwangler
Rise Pyscher
Paul Pyscher
Phil Evans
Sheila Cosgrove
Gregg Ridgeway
Nancy Stillger
Sandi Viscusi
Dave Hartley
Maggie Lucas
Kaiti Grassley
Aaron Grassley
Kim Wells
Karri Lange
Irv Crosby