Update: Oh deer! Life at the Des Moines Yacht Club isn't so bad
Mon, 11/16/2009
For over a month now a young blacktailed deer has been living very near the Des Moines Yacht Club. The deer is a male, just growing some antlers and while it is timid, it is apparently being given food and water by people concerned for the animal's health.
We received this letter from Des Moines resident Linda Morris and her daughter:
"My thought is that maybe you may know of resources that I do not know of that can expedite getting him out of an area he does not belong. Enclosed in this email is the contact emails for wildlife resources. I have only heard from one of these resources over a week ago. However the little deer is still housed at the Des Moines Yacht Club where the boats are parked at the address of 22737 Marine View Drive South in Des Moines. I am concerned the deer could get poisoned by fuel or the like antifreeze or possibly killed by a gun by someone stupid.
My daughter and I took pictures... The deer is there today (Friday, November 13) -we saw it grazing on the weeds or small grassy tuffs.
As I understand from a resident in Des Moines that the wildlife is being affected by development of the new jail going in that area. The Miller Creek and salmon are also affected. I do not know much more about this issue. This sounds serious for the community.
My focus is on getting help for where this deer should be and that is in a safe environment. The chain link fence is the only barrier right now from the main busy-busy-busy road.
Thank you for listening and in hopes of proactive help.
Linda Morris & daughter Shayah"
We contacted Washington State Fish and Wildlife Department and we were told that they did come down to have a look, saw some people near the animal and advised them to stay away from it, so that the animal would leave on its own. The department does not tranquilize deer and move them during hunting season since there's a chance the animal could be shot and later consumed and the meat would be tainted. We also contacted Northwest Trek, the wildlife park near Eatonville. They told us that they could not take the animal. They have a "carefully managed herd of blacktail deer and are currently at capacity".
In the meantime, life at the Yacht Club isn't so bad. The deer is relatively safe, at least from hunters, and is getting food and water. It's not unlikely that if it stays long enough it will be better able to leap the chain link fence around the area and find its way back to the woods.
But it IS deer hunting season so for now, it's a pretty smart or at least fortunate little animal.
UPDATE Monday November 16th 7:15 PM:
Monday evening the Highline Times received this message from Joann Espeseth, Commodore of the Des Moines Yacht Club:
We have been in touch with Fish and Wildlife regarding the deer in our lot. We originally received conflicting information on how to deal with the deer. The police department and Fish and Wildlife had different instructions. A Fish and Wildlife officer spoke with the police department and my vice commodore. We were told to leave the deer alone as it was mating season and trying to chase it away could be dangerous to those involved or cause harm to the deer. We were asked to NOT feed it and that would encourage it to find its way out or off our property to get food. We are monitoring the deer to see if it is still on the property and last check it was still on the property. We were told not to bother it and try to chase it off as that would constitute harrassing wildlife which is illegal. We have our gate open off and on but that is more than likely not how it came in as that is off of the street and traffic of downtown. The Fish and Wildlife is aware and we are trying to comply with laws and keep the welfare of the deer in view also.
Joann Espeseth
DMYC Commodore 2009