The Arc, an evening forum for members of the Washington State Legislature from King County.
Please join the King County Board for Developmental Disabilities and the King County Parent Coalitiion with its program, The Arc, an evening forum for members of the Washington State Legislature from King County.
Welcome by King County Executive-elect Dow Constantine.
WHEN: Monday, November 23, 2009
TIME: 6:30 p.m. – Sign in and socializing
7:00 p.m. – Program begins
WHERE: The DoubleTree Guest Suites
16500 Southcenter Parkway
The Arc of King County’s board member, Eric Matthes , a West Seattle resident, will be speaking at this event. He is 32 years old and has a developmental disability. Matthes served as a board member of the Utah Developmental Disabilities Council for three years. He was a consumer member of the Utah Transit Authority's committee for Accessible Transportation, participated in the youth mentoring program (Power In You) developed by First Lady Mary Kaye Huntsman, and was involved in many other community volunteer services.
Currently he is an editor for a national e-newsletter for The Riot and is on the board of Best Buddies International. Here in Seattle he participates with SAIL (Self Advocates In Leadership) and the The Arc's Advocating for Change Together (ACT), and the King County Partnership Support Advocacy Group. He is pleased to be able to share his experiences, insight and passion for advocacy here in the Seattle area.
Speakers will include self-advocates, family members, and community members
Any interested person is welcome to attend. There is no charge.
Represent your community interests in developmental disabilities
Encourage others to attend
Call your legislators to urge their attendance
TVW will be filming the forum this year
King County Developmental Disabilities Division 206-263-9061
The Arc of King County 206-364-6337