Alki Community Council announces more Liberty Plaza bricks and plaques
More bricks and tribute plaques will be available at the Liberty Plaza on Alki.
Fri, 11/20/2009
With the disbanding of the Seattle Statue of Liberty Plaza Project the responsibility for the area was turned over to Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR).
SPR has recently concluded an agreement with the Alki Community Council (ACC) allowing the Council to sponsor the sale of additional engraved bricks and Tribute Plaques. The ACC will also be the organization working with the community to coordinate the future maintenance of the Plaza with Parks.
The news release from the Alki Community Council reads:
"We are happy to announce the sale of a limited quantity of engraved bricks and Tribute Plaques. The Alki Community Council is currently working on getting a 501(c)(3) Internal Revenue Code designation. At the present time however, any donations will not be tax deductible. All bricks sold will be 4 x 8 inches. A “family or individual” brick will be priced at $100, while a “business or organization” brick will cost $250. These are the same prices as in the first two sales. You can download a brick order form, a brick sale FAQ, and a catalog of standardized symbols that can be engraved on your brick by going to . Funds raised by this sale will be turned over to Seattle Park & Recreation to supplement the existing maintenance fund or used to support approved ACC sponsored events that benefit the Plaza."
For information on ordering bricks or any related questions please contact Eilene Hutchinson at:
Eilene Hutchinson
ACC Brick Sales
For information on the available Tribute Plaques, please contact Libby Carr at:
Libby Carr
ACC Tribute Plaque Sales
If you are interested in more information on the Alki Community Council and its activities, please contact Paul Carr at:
Paul Carr, Secretary
Alki Community Council