Volunteers needed to end English ivy’s stranglehold on Federal Way forests
Mon, 11/30/2009
On December 5th, Friends of the Hylebos will organize volunteers to help save trees in Federal Way’s Dumas Bay Preserve by removing the invasive tree-killing vine.
The Dumas Bay Preserve is part of a new program by the Federal Way-based group to restore Federal Way’s forests to health.
Like Dumas Bay, much of the city’s 990 acres of publicly-owned forest is threatened by invasive plant species that kill trees and displace native plants.
Recent surveys by the Friends found that the Dumas Bay Preserve is 25%-100% invaded by Ivy. If left untreated, the ivy will eventually kill the trees, replacing a beautiful, green forest with an ivy desert.
Please come and help us restore this beautiful waterfront park to the healthy forest it could be!
Those interested in volunteering are encouraged to contact Lili Allala at 253-874-2005 or lili@hylebos.org or Chris Carrel at 253-874-2005 or chinook@hylebos.org.
Friends of the Hylebos is a nonprofit conservation organization, founded in 1983 and working to protect and restore the environmental quality of Hylebos Creek, the West Hylebos Wetlands and the surrounding watershed.