At Large in Ballard: Space to Create
Space to Create co-owner Barb Smith with a furry critter.
Mon, 12/07/2009
She was spotted by a mutual friend in the Cash-n-Carry pushing a flat cart stacked with boxes of Altoids, but she wasn’t buying them for the “curiously strong mints.” I needed to know more.
Barb Smith (she of the Altoids) is co-owner of Space to Create at 1414 N.W. 70th St. Although she and co-owner Lauren Malloy-Johnson try to repurpose many materials in their arts and craft programs, Barb has a particular weakness for containers.
Space to Create is a multipurpose studio in its own building on what used to be the block that time forgot. That is until the woman behind one of the most popular English-language food blogs in the world, Orangette, opened a restaurant with her husband.
Delancey nestles between Honoré Artisan Bakery and Bella Umbrella on the south side of the block. Space to Create shares the north side with Tarasco’s and A Caprice Kitchen. Barb and Lauren are practically senior residents now that they have been open for almost four years.
Space to Create is far more than its varied creations: bottle cap magnet in a mint tin, furry critters, felted soap or jewelry. The studio fulfills its name, providing a space and materials for nearly anyone to create, from open studio through party rentals and summer camps.
The business is the lovechild of two women who met when their children were in preschool co-op together and bloomed once their daughters “were firmly ensconced in elementary school.”
By coincidence both Barb and Lauren originally hail from the East Coast, have Masters in social work, have two towheaded daughters apiece and love art.
As their friendship (and that of their daughters) progressed from preschool to youth soccer sidelines, they discussed the lack of a studio space in Ballard where children and adults could create in various mediums, and where teachers could give classes based on their own passions, be it felting, oil-painting, textile arts or “Zentangle.”
In deciding what to do next with their lives, they decided to do what they loved doing.
Beyond the fact that Monday afternoons are for elementary school students and Thursdays for middle school, most things are flexible, from their arrangements with teachers to their birthday party themes.
Some children like a project with structure; others just follow where the varied materials beckon. One child may want to make a cat toy and another create a rain forest with plywood and wire mesh, feathers, beads and felt. All ages want to sew.
It’s the adults who tend bring self-judgment into the studio with them. Barb and Lauren emphasize that it’s just supposed to be fun. Adults can take a six-week oil painting class or attend an afternoon of scarf-painting. There’s no critique involved, just joy in combining materials in their bright, high-ceilinged space.
When Barb and Lauren decided to combine their love of all things creative with studio space, they were blessed by supportive husbands and the ability to buy the building.
As Barb says, “There was always a Plan B.” They could always rent it out, plus the space wouldn’t be subject to rising rents.
Most of the teachers in addition to Barb and Lauren find them by chance. One woman was led in by her dog.
People tell them, “You have to offer this class.” So they do. They are flexible in so many ways, their days, their hours, their participants. The only thing they are not is an alternative to day care.
Their varied class and camp offerings are never longer than half-a-day and geared to those who find creating fun. The products could be tote bags or pajama bottoms, fuzzy critters or marble mazes.
For those who don’t have time to create for themselves this year, Space to Create will hold a Studio Sale on Dec. 11 through Dec. 13. The sale lasts from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. It features blankets, knitted wear, jewelry, art kits and more.
Sitting in the space with Barb as she prepared materials for what would be journals, I wanted to start cutting and gluing, making my gifts instead of buying them, buying Altoids again without feeling guilty about the empty containers.
The wait has always been too long for me at Delancey – I think I belong on the other side of the street with Barb and Lauren.
For more information visit or call 206.784.0401.