My message to Mayor Nickels
Mon, 12/21/2009
Dear Editor: (my message to Mayor Nickels)
Dear Outgoing Mayor Nickels,
We too appreciate the profit opportunity Albert Gorelioni's anthropogenic global warming scam presents. It's tempting! Indeed, you've brilliantly parlayed your career for a commissioning into the Gore/Obama skimming operation. "Cap-n-Tax" would extort industry, it workers and all consumers to buy "castles in the sky" carbon credits. In contrast, Bernie Madoff ponzi scheme was a parlor game! Don't do it! Think of your legecy.
Since being forced into retirement by a Texas village idiot, Albert Gore has reaped tens of millions from his "green" investments which include a carbon credit trading house (Generation Investment Management) and a waterless urinal company (Falcon Waterless Technologies). Hey! you've got waterless urinals in City Hall. Like me, you may covet Gore's millions each time you aim. In 2001 Gore was worth only $2 Million, but now has positioned himself to become a billionaire if Cap-n-Tax is implemented.
Please don't do it! Because it will be done on our backs.
Craig Keller