The Three Tree Point Polar Bear Plunge took place on New Years Day with over 35 people plunging into Puget Sound. Chris Cancro and Carol O'Kennedy spent the most time in the water. CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO SEE MORE PHOTOS FROM THE EVENT.
The Three Tree Point Polar Bear Plunge brought in a new decade of brave but crazy souls who chose to swim in Puget Sound on January 1st.
They were competing for the right to display the drift wood trophy, complete with polar bear commemorating the event.
As always the event featured young and old and a mix of veterans and rookies eager to prove their immunity to cold.
Led by Andy Klietsch and the so called "King of Three Tree Point" Chris Cancro, the group of about 35 people prepared for the frigid experience on the shore and then with some brief pre-plunge instructions and a countdown, raced into the water, many choosing to splash around for some time before emerging, even colder than before.
Shawn McEvoy the Mayor of Normandy Park was a participant and called it "Invigorating!"
This years winner of the event was Carol O'Kennedy who let her dog ride on a small surfboard amid the waves. O'Kennedy stayed out longer than everyone else and yet was very humble upon getting the trophy saying, "I don't know, it's not fair, I go out there, somebody else deserves it."