Automated school zone speeding cameras have flaws
Mon, 01/04/2010
On December 30 I received a "Courtesy Warning Notice" regarding my "speeding in a school zone".
This was an error that will continue to be a problem unless something further is done to alter the flashing light signs that alert drivers of the school speed limit being in force. The Fred Meyer store located at the place where this new automated limit zone is located has two egress points within the zone.
People leaving using the north egress to go south, or the south egress to go north, are not able to see the flashing light sign alerting drivers to the school zone speed limit "when flashing".
There is no warning for those drivers who, like me, are sighted for speeding when there is no way for them to know the school zone limit is in force. At the time of this citation there were no children anywhere near the zone.
It appears this system was created to catch drivers like me, who always adhere to the school zone speed limit, in a bogus speed trap.
I suggest that additional flashing signs be oriented toward the two driveways which people use to access the Twin Lakes Fred Meyer store.
Otherwise, I believe that many purposefully and entirely unfair citations will be issued and many unnecessary court cases will ensue, with the final outcome of the already overbooked court throwing out all the contested citations. This ties up valuable court time, and places the entire program under a cloud of suspicion.
A. R. McPhail
Federal Way