Health-care bill is bribery
Sun, 01/10/2010
This year, as many in the past, each family member made out a list of potential Christmas List of needs or gifts.
This year, top of my list was a new America Flag as the one I fly each and every day and retire at sunset had become slightly tattered and in need of replacement.
And if I'm very fortunate to receive this gift the other tattered flag will be retired in the proper manner befitting this symbol of America: Each red and white stripe that commemorate the original thirteen colonies will be recognized in order starting with Delaware and ending with Rhode Island as they are cut from and then the blue and white field of stars representing the current number of states within the Union will too be committed to flames as the final retirement act to honor this National symbol.
We also, at one time, respected and gave recognition to those serving America in our legislative bodies. But after this spectacle of lies, bribery and malfeasance/misfeasance associated with the "urgent" passage of the Senate Health Care bill to satisfy a whim of our "young president" vacationing in Hawaii, it's very hard to even pretend to mount a level of any respect for these offices which says a lot for a former active duty USMC member.
I'm deeply sorrowed by the fact that bribes amounted to over $5 BILLION of Tax Payers Dollars were offered and accepted by twelve state senators, one of which was one of the original colonies--Connecticut, to gain passage of a truly irresponsible act that will be imposed at great expense to our citizenry with precious little benefit, if any.
Gary Kennedy
Des Moines