Watch SeaTac video
Mon, 01/18/2010
Citizens of SeaTac:
For those of you who attended the last regular council meeting of the city of SeaTac on 1-12-2010 but left early, and to those of you who were unable to attend, you absolutely missed the most ridiculous display of immaturity I have ever seen from a city official.
This official was only about two hours into his recent retirement from the position of our ceremonial mayor. I urge all of you to watch the video of this meeting!
It will open your eyes to why we so desperately need to have an elected mayor and not one appointed through the "good ol' boy system" that prevails today!
Be prepared for an "extended" viewing time, as this meeting lasted about five hours, but believe me the absurdity of the whole thing is worth your time!
The video will be available on Ch. 21 if you have cable TV (these meetings typically air at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily). If you would like to watch it on your computer, go to:
Then click on "Council Meetings" at the top of that web page. The council meetings will be displayed chronologically (most recent on top).
Click on the link for the 1-12-2010.
The nice part about watching it online is that it works just like a video recorder playback ... you can stop it, restart it, fast forward, etc. (Due to the length of this meeting, the video may come out in a two or three-part edition, and it may be a week or more before it's available.)
Please take the time to watch this video when it becomes available on cable TV and online. This may be the best investment you can make for yourself in choosing our politicians wisely!
Vicki Lockwood