Cherisse Luxa spoke about North Highline annexation at a Burien City Council meeting.
An unusual memorial gathering for a Burien woman that many consider extraordinary will occur Wednesday, Jan. 27 at Mick Kelly's Irish Pub in Burien.
The celebration of life for Cherisse Luxa will begin at 7 p.m. at the bar located at 435 S.W. 152nd Street as part of a regular monthly Burien Drinking Liberally event.
Luxa died Dec. 13, following a battle with stomach cancer.
Anyone with photos or stories to share at the gathering is asked to call Liz Giba at 206-605-3824. Luxa's friends also are trying to find a home for her two four-year-old cats, Howard and Harris. Anyone interested is also asked to contact Giba.
In an e-mail, Giba wrote, "Cherisse was a founder of Burien Drinking Liberally; anyone who ever socialized at Drinking Liberally knows of Cherisse's incredible energy and her unstoppable drive to make our community a better place.
"Through her years as a King County Sheriff's Deputy (among the first female deputies,) member of Evergreen Democratic Club, ardent and vocal supporter of progressive causes, Cherisse made a difference-both for Burien and for the broader community.
"Cherisse's political blossoming came with Howard Dean's run for the presidency. She became active in the 34th District Democrats, and was instrumental in the positive outcome of the North Highline annexation vote.
"Cherisse personified what it means to be involved. She touched many lives; she will be missed."