Light rail brings changes in Metro bus routes
Sun, 01/24/2010
King County Metro Transit will make changes in its bus service starting Saturday, Feb. 6.
The changes will affect more than 80 bus routes-- either by adding or reducing trips, adjusting schedules, or changing routing.
The most significant revisions in the Highline area include:
New Metro Route 156 service between Southcenter and SeaTac, replacing portions of the current Route 140.
Route 140 routing adjusted to serve the Tukwila International Boulevard Link light rail station. Route 140 will no longer serve Sea-Tac Airport, which will reduce travel time between Burien and Renton on that route.
Bus service revisions at Sea-Tac Airport to connect Metro and light rail service at the new SeaTac/Airport Link station.
Discontinuation of Metro Route 194, now that light rail serves the airport.
While the number of trips on some routes will be reduced to deliver more efficient service, overall those reductions will be offset by expanded service on other routes in the next two years.
Metro projects a slight increase in total service hours through the end of 2011 as a result of scheduling efficiencies and new partnerships that leverage Metro's service investments.
Metro updates its routes and scheduling three times a year.
The entire February service change will soon be posted online at, and route-specific information is available in the new red timetables.
Bus riders can also find the February changes detailed in the Special Rider Alert brochure available soon on buses and in Metro information racks.
Information is available in the Trip Planner at Enter a travel date for Feb. 6 or later to find trips that reflect Metro's changed service.
For information about the services Metro provides, visit Metro Online at, or call Metro Customer Information at 206-553-3000.