The removal of this monkey puzzle tree Jan. 21 has resulted in fines being issued by the city to the property owners and tree removal company.
On Jan. 27 and Jan. 28, the Seattle Department of Planning and Development issued notices of violation to the property owner and tree removal company responsible for removing a monkey puzzle tree from the corner of Northwest 60th Street and Ninth Avenue Northwest Jan. 21
Though the tree was on private property, it met the requirements for an exceptional monkey puzzle tree, with a diameter greater than 22 inches on a lot larger than 5,000 square feet.
Exceptional trees on private property can be removed, but only after a Department of Planning and Development-approved risk assessment.
Bryan Stevens, spokesperson for the Department of Planning and Development, said in addition to a fine, the notice of violation includes a reforestation agreement. The agreement is negotiable but aims for the planting of a tree with similar canopy cover, he said.
The removal of the tree, which some residents put at more than 60 years old, caused distress among a group of neighbors who said it was a neighborhood landmark.