Does this photo show something unusual flying over Westwood Village? You decide. If you have an unusual or striking photo to share send it to us at or
This photo, shot with an iPhone from Westwood Village on January 27th was taken because the cloud formation was particularly striking.
It wasn't until the photo was transferred and viewed on a larger screen that something stood out. It might well be a bird but it's clearly not an airplane or a smudge or an optical artifact. For now we won't speculate further as to what it could be. No changes aside from minor color, contrast and sharpness corrections were made.
If YOU have an unusual or amazing photo you'd like to share with us, please send them to either our tips email at or to Include a description of where and when you took the shot.
If you'd like to see a larger version of this photo to examine more closely you can download it from the link above.