On right path
Sat, 01/30/2010
The SeaTac City Council is to be congratulated for reconsidering plans to condemn private property at 174th and International Boulevard, land adjacent to the new bridge to Sound Transit's light rail station and Sea-Tac Airport.
Now the city, citizens and commercial property owners can put this behind them and move forward to collaboratively and creatively plan for SeaTac's future.
The city's recent purchase of four acres at 152nd and International Boulevard, across from Sound Transit's Tukwila Station, adds new possibilities for creating a city "front door" and a focal point with a variety of residential and retail uses.
The city council also created a zoning update Ad Hoc Committee to review proposed changes to the city zoning code - with special attention to the Sea-Tac/Airport Station Area and the City Center Plan.
The city wisely placed a moratorium on development projects in the Airport Station area to give the Ad Hoc Committee time to do its work.
I hope the Ad Hoc committee will take a fresh look at the City Center Plan, particularly at ideas for building a structured parking garage across from the light rail station.
A large parking garage at that location, no matter how well-intentioned, could turn into a "park and fly" facility which would hurt Sea-Tac Airport, the airlines, and other park and fly operations already established in the airport area. And it would not provide the intended benefit to SeaTac residents or visitors.
This is truly an exciting time for the City of SeaTac, and the city council is starting 2010 off on the right path.
Danna Siverts