There are other reason's for Obama's loss of popularity
Mon, 02/01/2010
Dear Editor,
Regarding Jerry Amato's essay about Obama's losing popularity, I would like to add that the reason Obama is losing popularity is because the progressive left put him into office under the illusion that he was going to be different than his centrist rhetoric. Those of us who listened carefully to his campaign speeches knew that he was not going to withdraw from Iraq, nor was he going to seek indictment of the Bush administration for launching an illegal war and engaging in torture in violation of international law and the Geneva Conventions. The war in Iraq for oil profits continues and another one in Afghanistan accelerates.
Two never ending war occupations, failure to follow through with campaign speeches such as rewriting unfair trade laws that have exported good paying American jobs and exploited the world's poor for private profit, giving billiions of taxpayer money to banks while doing nothing for the millions facing foreclosure, rising unemployment, refusal to push a single-payer health care system, a ludicrous tax and trade that allows corporations to continue to pollute, a wasted flight to Copenhagen, pushing for nuclear energy and a nonexistant "clean coal", accepting his Nobel Peace Prize with an Orwellian "war is peace" speech--these in my opinion are further reasons of Obama's growing unpopularity.
Chris Anderson
West Seattle