The Burien City Council has voted in zoning regulations that will limit adult entertainment in the Burien annexed portion of North Highline.
The council voted unanimously approved the zoning code for the part of North Highline that will become a part of Burien. Councilman Gordon Shaw was absent,
New zoning code will restrict adult entertainment to between Southwest 112th Street and Southwest 116th Street along either side of 16th Avenue Southwest.
The zoning codes will become effective April 1 when Burien annexes the southern portion of North Highline.
Originally adult entertainment was allowed under the King County CB-Special District Overlay Zone. The City of Burien tried to conform the current King County Zoning into its own code.
The King County CB-Special District Overlay designated a commercial and industrial area and was put into effect by the county to accommodate and encourage growth
The council expressed concern about zoning allowing adult entertainment, agreeing to the compromise of keeping it contained to a small area along 16th Avenue.
With the upcoming meetings for the Port of Seattle's Part 150 Study on airport noise, Councilwoman Kathy Keene said wants to make sure the new residents from North Highline are involved in the discussions. Keene asked that city staffers look at holding meetings to make sure the future Burien residents have their opinions heard. The rest of the council echoed her sentiments.
Keene said she doesn't think anyone has ever asked the North Highline residents what they want and she wants to make sure they are a part of the discussion, even if they are not officially a part of Burien yet.