Participants in the Highline Schools Foundation for Excellence luncheon pose outside The House Restaurant in Burien. From left, are Eric Aasness, Suzanne Aasness, Sandra Eliason, foundation president Maya Mendoza-Exstrom, Chris Blumenthal, Tom Russell, Nanci Tangeman and Highline superintendent John Welch.
The Highline Schools Foundation for Excellence honored five couples at its first Gifts of the Heart Luncheon on Wednesday, Feb. 11.
They are Eric and Suzanne Aasness, Sandra and Denny Eliason, Tom and Leann Russell, Nanci Tangeman and Chris Blumenthat and Sharon and David Wilson.
David Wilson established a scholarship program in his late wife Sharon's name to help teachers who want to train to become principals.
David Wilson died three weeks ago.
The foundation is a private group that financially supports Highline School District students and staff.
Foundation President Maya Mendoza-Exstrom noted that the changing demographics of the school district prsents unique challenges.
"The need is still great," Mendoza-Exstrom said. ""We are still climbing that mountain."
She added that one of the foundation's goals is to be self-sustaining within ten years.
Highline Superintendent John Welch thanked the group for "modeling what it looks like to be generous."
He added, "We wouldn't be where we are without you.
In challenging financial times, he said the district would not be able to offer arts and athletic programs without the foundation's support.
Highline students must now "pay to play" sports in middle school and high school.The foundation is providing scholarships for students who are unable to pay the fees.
Welch also said the foundation gives the district another organization that it must be accountable to.