Burrows becomes Eagle Scout
Mon, 02/15/2010
Tyler Burrows of Troop 398, a senior at Truman High School in Federal Way, recently received the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy Scouts.
To earn the Eagle rank a scout must earn the required 21 merit badges, hold leadership positions within the troop, demonstrate the qualities of a scout (trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courageous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent), receive recommendations from those that have witnesses these qualities, and plan, organize, fund and lead a team of volunteers in completing a community project.
For his Eagle project, Tyler chose to document the history of Cheney Stadium and the Tacoma Rainiers. As part of his Learning Through Internship at Truman High School, Tyler spent four seasons working with the grounds crew at Cheney and his appreciation for the history and the impact of the team on the community grew.
Tyler wanted the community to share his appreciation for this local history and designed a granite monument with an etched photo of Cheney Stadium as it was being built in 1960. With a timeline of the major events throughout the team and stadium’s history.
It is placed in front of the “Wall of Fame” in the stadium and will be a part of the new Wall of Fame at the completion of the stadium remodel.
Tyler, a third generation scout, began in scouting as a Tiger scout in Pack 313, earned his Arrow of Light and advanced into Troop 398. Tyler was nominated into the Order of the Arrow in 2004 by his fellow scouts and has held leadership positions such as Senior and Assistant Patrol Leader, and Troop Guide.
Upon receiving his Eagle, Tyler was asked to become an Assistant Scoutmaster for Pacific Harbor Council Troop 728 and join the troop in attending the Centennial National Jamboree at Fort AP Hill in Virginia this summer.
Through scouting Tyler has developed a love of the outdoors and plans to earn a Natural Resources degree at Green River Community College, attend the Firefighting Academy at Bates Technical Institute and become a National Forest Ranger.