Jodie Cadieux and her dog Beulah love coming to C&P Coffee. Beulah is not a coffee drinker but she will consume almost any kind of food.
Jodie Cadieux got her dog Beulah almost 8 years ago. Beulah is a Fila (or more completely Fila Brasileiro) and they come from Brazil. Sometimes called a Brazilian Mastiff they are descended in part from Bloodhounds. Beulah weighs in at 115 pounds.
"They are known for being really loyal to their owner and," as Beulah shook her large head and slobbered, "for being extremely slobbery" Cadieux said laughing. They are well mannered dogs, not overly excitable and very good protectors.
Beulah does have some endearing traits that make the slobbering worth it all. "She didn't have this when she was younger but now she groans. She really sounds like a 70 year old man," Cadieux explained. Beulah likes to have her 'armpits' rubbed and when she gets that treatment, she rolls on her back, "Which is really quite a funny sight."
Cadieux travels for work and that's when Beulah reveals her most unusual behavior. "Somehow she has figured out that when I'm about to travel, when she sees the suitcase open, not only does she get a little bit mopey but about 90% of the time, I will get to where I'm going and there's a little dog toy in there. She plops it in there when I'm not looking and I don't know how she does it and I don't notice it while packing but almost invariably she gives me a keepsake," Cadieux said.
How to nominate your pet for Pet of the Week:
Want to nominate your pet for Pet of the Week? Stop by the VCA West Seattle Veterinary Hospital at 5261 California Ave. S.W. and just ask for a form. A nomination is not a guarantee of appearance and your name and photo may appear in our newspaper and online.
Photos may or may not be used and our "Pet Reporter" may be in touch with you to arrange to take a photo. Pets nominated will be chosen on the basis of uniqueness of the pet and the quality of the story and information submitted.