Cochon Delait really enjoys killing time at the bus stop playing with his Poi, a kind of juggling that originated in New Zealand.
If you are waiting for a bus you have a lot of options. You could read, or listen to music, or play with your phone if you have one. Cochon Delait has a better idea.
He plays with his "Poi" which consists of two balls held together by a cord. He flies them around in wild patterns and actually gets kind of a workout in the process. "I'm from New Orleans and I moved here after Katrina, I love Seattle, it's awesome," he said.
Poi is originally from New Zealand, "It's great exercise, lot of fun, super healthy and fun for the whole family." His are home made but they can purchased online Delait said. "There's a group here in town, they do 'Fire Poi', he explained, " it was originally done by the women in the tribes in New Zealand to help them tell stories and it was done by the men to help them with hunting and agility and strength." He's really just started with the device he said but, "It's a great way to kill time at the bus stop."