Attorney General Rob Mckenna is participating in a lawsuit to block aspects of the new health care legislation. The City of Seattle is uniting to block him.
According to a new press release:
The Seattle City Council and City Attorney Pete Holmes took a united stand today opposing Attorney General Rob McKenna’s participation in a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the historic national legislation that will dramatically reform health care in the United States.
Seattle’s elected officials oppose McKenna’s involvement as contrary to the interest of the people of Washington State and the City of Seattle.
This afternoon the Seattle City Council passed Resolution 31196 supporting enactment of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act for health care reform.
The City’s resolution also urges the State Legislature to restrict the Attorney General’s budget authority to prevent any state funds from being spent opposing federal health care reform.
The united front in Seattle supports the strong stance taken by Governor Christine Gregoire, who has made it clear that she will actively oppose the lawsuit filed in Florida.
“This historic act by President Obama and Congress should in no way be undermined by a partisan political agenda,” stated Seattle City Council President Richard Conlin. “Seattle citizens who lack health care insurance or who are underinsured need this necessary and reasonable step toward providing health care for all citizens.”
“Mr. McKenna’s attack on the health care reform bill is antidemocratic and out of touch with the needs of Seattle and Washington State residents,” said City Attorney Pete Holmes. “This resolution expresses the will of Seattle voters and urges the State Attorney General to stop his participation in a cynical partisan lawsuit in our names or from using public funds against the landmark federal
The City of Seattle provides health services to seniors, to youth, to people who are homeless and people with low incomes, who will benefit greatly from the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. This new federal law will positively impact our local community health providers, allowing them to serve more people.
Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn expressed support for the resolution and said he will sign it.
Seattle City Council meetings are cablecast live on Seattle Channel 21 and Webcast live on the City Council’s website at Copies of legislation, archives of previous meetings, and news releases are available on http://www.seattle.