Glenn Case works on a new mural for the front of Mountain to Sound Outfitters. The art will depict a character using sports gear across the front of the building when complete.
Muralist/Artist Glenn Case is working on a complete visual makeover of the front of Mountain 2 Sound Outfitters store at 3602 S.W. Alaska Street.
"I'm going to use a character of mine, kind of an Abominable Snowman (Snosquatch?) in various poses, across the front of the building using different kinds of sports gear," Case said.
The new signage and mural should be complete by April 7th.
Mountain 2 Sound Outfitters recently launched an effort to get West Seattle youth involved in winter sports by starting an organization called West Seattle Snow Sports Council. You can learn more about the organization through their Facebook page. They held a sidewalk sale raising over $500 to build a web site, hold meetings, arrange logistics and to facilitate summer team building (kayak touring) for the new organization.