The Golden Gardens Bathhouse will be the site of the third annual Community Oyster Roast May 9 to benefit the Puget Soundkeeper Alliance.
The third annual Community Oyster Roast is on May 9 at the Golden Gardens Bathhouse with two seatings at the shoreside location with a spectacular view of the Sound are from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Proceeds will go to the Puget Soundkeeper Alliance to support its work to keep the Puget Sound clean.
Tickets, advance purchase only, are $50 for all the roasted oysters you can eat, CasCioppo Bros. sausage, coleslaw, baked beans, beverage and rhubarb crisp for dessert. Slurp up at the Oyster Raw Bar as an added bonus.
Foot stomping entertainment will be provided by The Tallboys.
The Oyster Roast, based on the popular roll-up-your-sleeves southern tradition, features sacks of fresh Taylor oysters in the shell dumped on hot metal plates over outdoor grills and covered with wet coffee sacks until juice starts to bubble out of the shells.
Then they are shoveled onto platters and delivered to tables where they need a nudge from an oyster knife to release the top shell and seductive aromas.
Attendees are urged to bring a favorite oyster knife; oyster knives can also be purchased onsite.
Sausages and side dishes are served family style.
“It is so great to see the community step up to support clean water in Puget Sound,” Bob Beckman, the Puget Soundkeeper, said in a press release. “Puget Sound is an integral part of our ecological and cultural well-being. And, of course, essential to the local oysters we love so much.”
For ticket purchase and information, contact the Puget Soundkeeper at 206.297.7002 or purchase tickets here.
Early ticket purchase is advised as seating is limited and Puget Sound oyster lovers abound.