April 30 forum to address needs and desires of city’s senior population
Mon, 04/26/2010
The City of Federal Way Diversity Commission is hosting a community forum on the needs and desires of the senior population on April 30.
The forum will be held from 11 a.m. to noon at the Federal Way Community Center, 876 S. 333rd St., just before the City’s regular Senior Lunch.
Lunch will be available free of charge for all who attend.
The diversity commission is interested in all aspects of the City’s aging population, said Lynnette Hynden, the City’s Human Services Division Manager and liaison to the commission.
“We really want to celebrate our aging population, their strengths and accomplishments. At the same time we’d like to know what’s going on with them. What’s working well? What’s not working so well? What do they need? What would they like?” she said.
Once this needs assessment is done, the commission will work with the City and with area community groups to explore how to enhance the things that are going well and how to change the things that aren’t. “Ultimately, this effort isn’t about the City,” said Hynden. “This is about the community. It’s about how to connect our aging population with a community that may very well already have the resources they need.”
For those who can’t attend the senior forum but would like to contribute to the conversation, contact Hynden at 253.835.2650 or lynnette.hynden@cityoffederalway.com
The Diversity Commission will hold two more community forums later this year as part of its 2010 work plan.
The Diversity Commission is a 13-member volunteer group that advises the City Council on policy matters involving the community's cultural, ethnic, gender and age-related differences, ensuring that these differences are considered in the decision-making process. For more information on the commission, visit www.cityoffederalway.com/diversity