Cubbie fan cheers for Burien Little Theatre play
Cubbie fan cheers for Burien Little Theatre play
Mon, 04/26/2010
Want to laugh your way through two acts of a hilarious comedy? Go see "Bleacher Bums" at Burien Little Theatre.
The Chicago Cubs are playing the St. Louis Cardinals at Wrigley Field (my hometown, my home team!) The diehard Cubbie fans are occupying their usual bleacher seats-swigging a beer, betting against the Cards, rooting for the home team and, in general, giving one another a hard time.
It's a classic! The acting and directing are terrific.
Do yourself a favor-get your tickets now. The play ends May 9th. You'll thank me for cluing you in to a really good time. 8 p.m. Friday and Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays.
Florence McMullin
Des Moines