Furnishing Peaceful Homes: Shalom Bayit, a front line agency that provides furniture to women and children escaping domestic violence situations, and Seattle-based TrashBusters junk removal, are partnering to furnish three to five homes for those most in need in Seattle during a time when the economy and ongoing lack of affordable housing are translating into heightened demand for basic furnishings, especially from women with children.
“Once people are housed, choices have to be made between buying dressers and beds to sleep on, and having enough groceries for the week,” said Mia Reyes, program director of Shalom Bayit, which works with more than 25 agencies across Seattle, including Solid Ground and Eastside Domestic Violence Program, to provide basic furnishings. “We know demand is up. Times are definitely worse, which is why we’ve made this appeal.”
Laura Wood, a domestic violence advocate for Solid Ground, said there has been a 12 percent increase between March 2009 and March 2010 in the number of people inquiring into housing. The difficult economic climate has increased stresses on families resulting in more families needing help.
During the first three months of 2010, Shalom Bayit, the only domestic violence furniture bank in Washington, provided more than $30,000 worth of furniture to people in need (based on thrift store pricing), a 15 percent increase over the same time last year.
The partnership’s “Housewarming Drive” is appealing to the Seattle community to donate new or used furniture in good condition that will be picked up by TrashBusters Junk Removal free of charge this May 13 and 14. Items that are most helpful are dressers, kitchen sets and sofas/easy chairs (which can double as beds), all gently used or in excellent quality.
“We know from our pickups and talking with customers that there are loads of old dressers and chairs collecting dust," said Mike McKee, president of TrashBusters Junk Removal. "It’s time to give them a better use.”
Call 206.545.1100 and a team will arrive to pick up the used furniture on either on May 13 or May 14.